Fast, high-quality scanning
Thanks to Epson Matrix CCD technology and an optical resolution of 6,400dpi, every detail is faithfully captured. With fast, energy-efficient Epson ReadyScan LED technology, there’s virtually no warm-up time, so you can start scanning your photos and films almost instantly.
Restore old photos
With Digital ICE Technology, damaged film can be digitally repaired without the need for time-consuming retouching. Imperfections, scratches and fingerprints are all removed from scanned film automatically. In addition, Epson Easy Photo Fix restores faded colour, removes the appearance of dust and adjusts backlight to bring your old photos back to life.
Negatives to digital
The built-in transparency unit allows you to scan two 35mm filmstrips (12 frames) or four 35mm mounted slides at a time and also supports medium format film. You can also scan up to A2-sized pages, such as large photos, newspaper articles, posters etc. with ArcSoft® Scan ‘n’ Stitch Deluxe™ software.
Scan to cloud
Epson Easy Photo Scan enables direct scanning to selected social media and photo sharing websites, as well as other cloud storage services. You can access your photos from almost anywhere and share with friends and family.
Energy saving
With virtually no warm-up time and low energy consumption, this photo scanner can help reduce your energy bills and impact on the environment.
Key Features
- High-quality scans – 6,400dpi optical resolution
- Digital ICE® – Restore old, damaged film
- Scan to Cloud – Upload photos directly online
- Transparency unit – Film, slides and medium format film
- Quick start up – ReadyScan LED technology. – Compatible with Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP only