Start saving with Heat Free Technology - Key Digital | Managed Services Provider
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Start saving with Heat-Free Technology

Up to 50% lower print cost

Using no heat in the printing process means they consume far less power than comparable laser printers, which in turn reduces their running costs.

Up to 96% less power consumption

No heat generation means that less power is needed, helping you to keep your electricity consumption down leading to lower CO2 emmissions.

Up to 99% less waste

Thanks to business inkjet printers, you can print up to 150,000 pages on one set of ink cartridges, meaning less waste and more uptime. And with fewer manufactured parts, less waste goes to landfill.

Up to 3.5x faster

With no warm-up time, business inkjet printers are fast and efficient, perfect for instantaneous printing when in front of a client or for offices that print large quantities.

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